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  • 1 Minute Read
  • August 26, 2024

How Does Your Diet Affect Your Body

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  • How Does Your Diet Affect Your Body

How Does Your Diet Affect Your Body


“You are what you eat”, “the health is 70% diet and 30% exercise”. All the health and fitness enthusiasts must have come across these phrases at some point in their lives but these are not just phrases these are 100% scientifically researched facts. From general health to gaining muscles to fat loss to sports performance, your diet plays a major role in making or breaking your goal. In this article, we’re going to learn about how does diet affect our body and what are the healthiest choices of food we can select and include in our diet to make it nutritionally balanced.


Table of Contents



What are nutrients, why are they important?

The nutrients are divided into two major parts

  • Macronutrients (Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats)
  • Micronutrients (Vitamins and Minerals)


Macro nutrients as the term macro means big, we need these nutrients in a major quantity. Protein carbohydrates and fats are the three macronutrients that a body requires in the larger quantity for the energy and functioning of the body.

Protein is used for the maintenance and growth of muscle mass and also helps boost metabolism, increase the fat-burning process and repair the body after a workout/ physical activity.

The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy to the body. The body also stores excess carbohydrates for later use. Additionally, carbohydrates aid in digestion and help prevent constipation by contributing to dietary fiber. 

Fats are also a source of energy and it is mainly responsible for better brain functioning, it is said that fats are a major part of the brain and contribute to about 60% of the brain function, they also help in the absorption of other nutrients and regulate body temperature.


Micro nutrients as the term micro means small, we need these nutrients in a lesser quantity. Vitamins and minerals are the two micronutrients that the body requires in very little quantity to prevent diseases, and deficiencies and work as a catalyst for the macronutrients. Vitamins help in better vision, skin, bones, immunity, metabolism, nervous system and digestive system. Minerals help in the synthesis of red blood cells, collagen, and antioxidants, support muscle contraction, maintain fluid and electrolytes and help in the formation of cells.

Having excess or insufficient levels of macronutrients and micronutrients can negatively impact your health and bodily functions. It is very important to include the right amount of both macro and micronutrients in our diet which is also known as eating a balanced diet.


How does diet affect body weight & shape?

The quality and quantity of the food that we eat directly affect the weight and shape of the body. A balanced diet consisting of green vegetables, fresh fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats and whole grains benefits in maintaining a good shape and weight. While eating junk foods low in nutrients and high in calories will result in weight gain, out of shape body, increased risk of diseases like diabetes, heart
disease, poor mental health, poor digestion and also slow metabolism.

Metabolism is the process in which the body converts the food we consume into energy. So slow metabolism does not convert the food into a steady source of energy resulting in burning fewer calories storing more body fat and making the body tired and lethargic throughout the day. On the other hand, fast metabolism which is a byproduct of a healthy balanced diet will convert the food into a steady source of energy resulting in high energy, feeling active and burning more calories throughout the day.



Every balanced diet is unique.

A balanced diet must be designed according to the goal, lifestyle, deficiencies, physical activity and body composition.

If the muscles get sore after most of the workout days or doing any kind of physical activity or if any problem starts related to skin, hair and nails then the body requires more protein in diet which you can get from lean meat, eggs and dairy products etc.

If there is more than usual physical activity or someone is an endurance athlete or the body is too tired and lethargic in day-to-day activity or having weakness or nausea or bad bowel movement then there are higher possibilities that the body needs more carbohydrates in the diet which you can get from oats, fruits, beans, lentils, brown rice etc.

If the lifestyle requires more thinking or brain work or the body is getting sick more frequently, having headaches or delay in wound healing then there are higher possibilities that the body needs more dietary fats in diet which you can get from nuts, seeds, fatty fish, butter, avocado and oils etc.

If the combination of the macronutrients is according to the need of the goal and health, there is very little to no chance that the body will still suffer any deficiency of vitamins and minerals however if there is an old underlying issue like brittle hair and nails, red and white bumps on the skin, vision problem, restless leg syndrome etc. then the micronutrients can be balanced according to the deficient vitamins or minerals using its food source or consuming multi vitamins and minerals supplements.


Bottom Line

Our diet has a compelling impact on our body, mind and soul. We have to keep track of what and how much we eat. A nutritionally balanced diet improves health, strengthens immunity, enhances overall fitness, helps maintain a healthy weight and shape, supports faster achievement of health and fitness goals, and helps maintain youthfulness for a longer period. The right choices will definitely result in a better quality of life nurturing the mind and soul for a healthier future.

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